Recent Posts by ayanawp

Why It’s Time to Redesign the Way We Think About Office Space

If your office still has a fax machine or projector, stop reading right now, because you won't like what you're about to hear: Your office, like your equipment, is probably obsolete. "I think the whole definition of what an office is needs to be rethought," says Frank Mruk, associate dean for the School of Architecture…
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How IdeaPaint Makes B2B Marketing Fun

Who says marketing to other businesses must be dull? Here's how one small company shakes things up. There’s usually a world of difference between b2c and b2b marketing. The former can be inviting, entertaining, engaging, and fun. The latter? Four-letter words such as dull and yawn come to mind. But businesses that sell to institutions…
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How Good Office Design Increases Productivity

As a small business owner, you will naturally be concerned about your company’s productivity and growth. But did you know that research has shown that there is a direct correlation between levels of productivity and creativity and the environment in which office staff are expected to work? It has been proven that the performance of…
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Carpet Tile 101

Why use carpet tile? Modular carpet tiles are simply another version of carpet broadloom. The 12-foot broadloom is cut and backed with a vinyl product that is about 0.25-inches thick. This has several advantages for the carpet: It seals the yarns (the fuzzy side you see) into the vinyl. This binds the yarn to the…
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