Recent Posts by ayanawp

Office Space, Thinking Outside the Box

Office space can be a drain on resources for start-up companies. Most landlords and commercial real estate brokers demand 3-5 year lease terms and personal guarantees when securing an office. This is usually not an ideal requirement for new companies who are looking to grow and avoid extra liabilities. I recommend thinking creatively about what…
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Build a Collaborative Office Space Like Pixar & Google

When the Second World War ended, universities struggled to cope with record enrollments. Like many universities, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology built a series of new housing developments for returning servicemen and their young families. One of those developments was named Westgate West. The buildings doubled as the research lab for three of the greatest…
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Are finished concrete floors right for your school?

School flooring has long been the domain of carpet and vinyl. That’s changing. Finished concrete floors are showing up in ever greater quantities in schools ranging from elementary to university. What’s in it for you? Are concrete floors right for your school? Here are points to consider, from those who know. Areas for concrete flooring…
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Brick-and-beam buildings spark growth in ‘fringe’ offices

When Danny Roth was looking to start his communications business 11 years ago, he opted for 600 square feet of statement — a fourth-floor office with soaring ceilings and exposed-brick walls in Liberty Village’s historic Carpet Factory. “I think I had the smallest office in the building, and I shared it with a marketing firm…
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